Do you feel strapped for time… all the time?

  • Are you feeling disorganized and scattered?

  • Is one aspect of your life or business out of alignment?

  • Do you feel frustrated or stuck at the current stage of your career, relationships, or health?

  • Do you have so many ideas about what you want to do but can’t seem to organize your thoughts? 

  • Are you missing the change or progress you would like to see in your life?

  • Do you have an idea of what you want, but you’re not sure where to start? Is it scary to make the commitment to begin?

  • Are you prioritizing work over your health or your personal relationships?

  • Are you stalling or putting off something you know deep down you have to do?

  • Do you need a clear vision of your life for the next 10 years?

  • Do you struggle to create steps or track progress in the areas you are hoping to grow in?

  • Are you neglecting to celebrate your wins in life on a frequent basis?

  • Do you have some hard decisions to make?

Everyone faces hurdles; these are just a few that my clients have sought to overcome as they begin to pursue new goals for their lives. Often our thoughts, fears, and insecurities make us feel alone, or as though we cannot be helped, but the reality is most of us have experienced the same kinds of thoughts at some point. The great news is: there are tools and strategies that can overcome all of these issues

Over the past 5 years, I have submerged myself in the world of personal development. Honestly, it was all for me; this kind of study helped me make some hard decisions. Because I applied purposeful strategies and they worked, people saw my success personally. Then, my network and community began to ask for wisdom and advice; could I help them. I had learned, and I could. Today, I have helped dozens, including those beyond my personal network to overcome their obstacles and achieve real success! 

These are the types of wins I get to celebrate with my clients:

  • A shift from debt to financial freedom

  • Improving the strength and quality of personal relationships

  • Business growth from $2 to $5M

  • Start up business from 0-$500k in 1 year

  • Plentiful free time for loved ones and personal self-care

  • Replacing a 9-5 with a scaled multi-six figure business

  • Moving to work overseas

  • Growing a career trajectory to senior level management 

  • “6 month work/6 month play” lifestyle

  • A sustainable new life plan to begin a new chapter 

These are all examples of real outcomes from real people. From Hollywood professionals to medical professionals; from early- to mid-stage business owners to graduates just out of college, my clients have one thing in common. They are achievers who want to experience the most that life has to offer! Are you the same?

I would love to see success for you too, so let’s start with some simple ways to do that. Here are 3 Tools that can Help You Achieve Success!  

  1. Tool 1: Focus One of my coaches, the esteemed Tony Robbins, says “Where focus goes energy flows”. This is one of my favorite quotes from him, and the truth is I, personally, use this tool at least once per week. The idea is simple: wherever you are spending your time is the area of your life that will excel. If you spend all your time at work, then your career will excel. If you are dedicated to your workouts at the gym, then your body will grow stronger. If you spend every Saturday with your spouse on a date night, then your marriage will grow sturdy. While the idea is simple, the real challenge is balancing your time so that all the areas you value are robust. Most of us struggle to balance, we often lean in to a couple areas and neglect others. But, it goes without saying, if you are neglecting an area of life on your calendar, then you won’t see positive change or growth. 

  2. Tool 2: Think Big Live life as “the future you”…and think BIG. What do you want your life and business to look like in 5 years? In 10 years? Where will you be physically? Who will be with you? What will your bank accounts look like? What experiences will you be able to share with others? What will you tangibly have that you’ve always wanted? What new level of contribution will you be able to make to your loved ones, community, or to the world? Describe your “future self in great detail”. Once you begin to know your “future self” give him/her a name or title. Begin to act as your “future self” now. Behave the way that you think “future self” will behave. Once you take ownership of YOUR new identity you will be surprised at the power of the laws of attraction and manifestation.

  3. Tool 3: Who? It’s time to replace the idea that you “can’t” by considering “who” can. When you feel like something is impossible or you are overwhelmed, remember someone has already done what you are trying to do. That just means, it’s not impossible; you can too! Instead of claiming “I can’t do this” or “I can’t make time for that now”, ask “Who can help me?” or “Who has done this before?” Consider “Who can help me use my resources at their highest value?” Determine “who” and you will see opportunities open up that make the possibility of success more real.

Last thought

Sometimes, you may find yourself resistant to getting help. I would challenge you to ask yourself the deeper question: How bad do you want the outcome on the other side? If it is something you think you are supposed to do but deep down you don’t really care enough to do it, realize you always have 2 options: 

  1. Get resourceful. Surround yourself with a team of experts who can help you overcome your obstacles and push you toward your goal.  

  2. Accept that you don’t really care enough and cross this goal off of your list. Focus on other life and business goals that are important to you. You can always circle back in the future if it comes up again.

My journey to becoming a Concierge Life and Business Coach for high-performing individuals has been such a fulfilling and rewarding process. I often relate to my clients, because I have experienced many of the same personal and business woes that they have. I enjoy what I do because I like to think critically, apply wisdom, and ask pointed questions. But, there’s one thing that makes my heart soar most in this space. My absolute favorite part of being a coach  is definitely the fun I have celebrating my client’s wins alongside them! 

I would love to celebrate with you too! Are you ready to start your journey toward personal fulfillment in your life and career? If so, let’s set up a Free Consultation Call. I would love to get to know what goals your “future self” is waiting for you to achieve. 


