To Ultimate Business and life 360 Mastery

The most comprehensive concierge coaching program for business owners and leaders ready to take a courageous first step toward intentional change. My program brings clarity and confidence, allowing you to streamline your next steps so that you stop spinning your wheels and start getting real results in both business and life.




Grow Business & self development simultanEOUSLY



IT’S TIME TO DITCH THE FEELING OF being alone, Stuck or confused

NO. 1

Overcome being stuck at a revenue plateau without a clear predictable path forward

NO. 2

Stop spiraling in your head and doing the same things and expecting different results

NO. 3

Don’t risk your reputation by getting easily distracted, stuck in the weeds, or splintering energy in too many different directions


NO. 1

You want more confidence growing your business and transforming your life without sacrificing anything on either side.

NO. 2

You want courage to think different and bigger, take action, and get “out of the weeds”

NO. 3

You want to become a laser focused, unshakeable leader forging a path to success for you and your team.

What people are saying

Jasmine Star

CEO, Speaker & Podcaster

MEredith kallaher

Facebook & Instagram Ad Strategy and Management

Carly and Hunter Hollrah

Hollrah Wellness & Aesthetics


My Ultimate Business and Life 360 Mastery concierge coaching is a holistic comprehensive coaching program. We will be working together 1:1 using my proprietary G.E.T.T. F.A.R. framework to help you create clear goals and long term vision, build your business growth strategy, optimize your time & focus, strategically build your team, all while advancing self-development and leadership development skills. Through my unique mindset strategies & evidence-based business growth principles, I will help you build your business, balance your time, build better teams, elevate yourself as a strong leader, find balance, and achieve your most ambitious goals.

01. workbooks & Tools

Access to my proprietary google sheet workbooks to help you organize your thoughts, notes, and data as well as VIP access to private ongoing video trainings, PDF Guides, and Google worksheets.

02. meetings

Private 1:1 Meetings (Zoom or in person) every month

03. access to me

Text and email access to me 7 days a week for support with unforeseen surprises, personal life hurdles, team issues, and other time sensitive issues that need immediate attention.

04. Clear action steps

At the end of each session, you will receive clear action steps customized to your business and life highlighting only the TOP things to focus time and energy on to move the needle the fastest.

your COnCIErgE coach

I'm Kasey,  I transform growth minded Individuals from overwhelmed into CONFIDENT & Balanced Business Leaders

Bringing Multi Million Dollar Growth Strategies to Everyday Business Owners

I understand what it feels like to be all alone, spinning, trying to figure things out all by yourself.

For 20+ years I’ve been helping growth minded individuals discover how to live the life they want. With a background serving others as a medical provider combined with years of executive coaching & consulting, managing a multimillion-dollar business, advising billion-dollar corporations, and growing 3 of my own businesses, I know what it takes to make big changes in order to reach big goals.

My expertise is in cutting through the noise to help focus time and energy on what really counts to drive results. I use simple exclusive business frameworks to reverse engineer success paths, align businesses vision with personal values, and propel growth to leave a lasting legacy.

I have advised companies from startup size to multibillion dollar pharmaceutical companies, to university business schools and more.

Now, I'm here to help you achieve your dreams of success and fulfillment.

this is for you if…

NO. 1

You have a service BASED BUSINESS

You own any kind of agency, firm, medical or wellness practice, coach or consult for any industry, are a digital entrepreneur or corporate executive leader and are passionate about helping your clients and customers. You truly care about the community that you serve and feel a deep desire to support your client’s success just as much as you desire your own success.

NO. 2

You are a female Entrepreneur or leader who “JUggles it all”

You have been burning the candle at both ends. You love what you do, you tend to have your hands in multiple facets of your business at all times. You also love your family and value having a well-rounded balanced life but it like you always feel “torn” in multiple directions. If you could just clone yourself, life would be so much easier!

NO. 4

YOu hAd some success “doing it alone” up until now

You sometimes feel that it’s easier to do things yourself. You have had so much success with your clients and wonder how you could build out a team that could do it as good as you. You love being a business owner compared to working for someone else but sometimes feel a little lonely especially when it comes to making big decisions and wish you had a trusted sounding board to help guide you to the next level.

NO. 3

You have a bigger dream

You are proud of what you have built but it might be time for an innovation, pivot, or something bigger. Whether it is short term or long term, you have bigger dreams for your future and aren’t totally sure how to navigate making those dreams a reality.

NO. 5

you envision becoming a more confident & effective leader

You have dreams that things could be bigger, you could be more well known, you could be the “go to” in your Industry! You see others in your industry who have a loyal productive team supporting them and you wonder how to get to that level with you feel so “in the weeds”. You are ready to become a thought leader, you are ready to learn how to become a better leader and communicator, and you are more than ready to step into the new 2.0 version of you!

NO. 6

YOu are ready to Do things differently and step into the 2.0 version of you

It’s time. You know its time. Its time to change. Its time to become the new version of you and you realize it won’t be easy but you also know that if you don’t commit to change than your future will be the same as today for many years to come and you know you are meant for more. Your mission is to impact more people, to have more balance, and be more fulfilled along the journey! Let’s do this!

The Proof Is In The Results

The Proof Is In The Results


What’s inside

Business and Life 360 Mastery Program is designed to give you a road map that leads to growing your business, aligning your life goals, advancing your leadership skills, and deepening your self development awareness.








Got questions?


starting at $2000

My Business and Life 360 Mastery Program is a customized one-year program designed to propel you bigger, further and faster than if you were to go down the road alone. This is an investment in yourself, in your mindset, and in your business, so that you can transform, get measurable results, and avoid being in the same place you are today at this time next year.

custom options

custom options


Let’s talk options

In addition to the Ultimate Business and Life 360 Mastery Program I can also customize solutions for you. Below are some common customized requests.